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Showing posts from December, 2004

Heard from the slashdot vine

I heard the following comment on slashdot and I thought it was a cool way of dealing with the windows to linux migration. The peeps were talking about Microsoft not being worried about Firefox ! So try this approach, I use it. Setup an X server with a pretty desktop. Tell the users "We'd like to enable you to work faster. From this point forward, just doubleclick this. We installed a new version of Office and Internet explorer, they are called OpenOffice and Firefox. If you don't like this, feel free to use your Windows98 system." I had zero Win98 users within a month, and zero Windows XP users within 3 months. That's a 400+ user environment. They still think it's new Windows. The management thinks that not paying for 400 terminal services licenses is priceless. Coool, shows that you can really move away you know. i am manulite

Rules That Guys Wish Women Knew

I got this from an email forward and I thought why not post it to here as well. 1. Crying is blackmail. 2. Ask for what you want. Subtle hints don't work. 3. Don't cut your hair. Ever. 4. Sometimes, we're not thinking about you. Live with it. 5. Get rid of your cat. 6. Anything we said six or eight months ago is inadmissible in an argument. 7. Anything you wear is fine. Really. 8. Christopher Columbus didn't need directions, and neither do we. 9. You have too many shoes. 10. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. 11. Learn to work the toilet seat; if it's up, put it down. 12. Mark anniversaries on a calendar. 13. Yes, peeing standing up is more difficult than peeing from point blank range. We're bound to miss sometimes. 14. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers. 15. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor. 16. Don't fake it. We'd rather be ineffective than deceived. 17. Sunday = Sports. 18. If you do...

I hate Yahoo! [Part I]

Having moved from M$ Windblows to linux, one starts getting frustrated by all things Micro$oft. You will hate a site that is "optimized for IE 6" and anything that thinks Windblows is the only platform. I used to love Yahoo, I'm still attached to it in a big way, but it has slowly started to piss me off, especially when it fails to support the very things I like it for, on my Linux platform. So i've decided to post all the annoyances that I encounter with yahoo onto this blog, this is the first. As a linux user, and naturally a firefox user, u'd think that a rich text editor is a given on Yahoo Compose mail screen. I mean if blogspot can do it in firefox then surely Yahoo! can. Maybe they can, but they didn't. Try composing an email in firefox and what you will get is a simple text editor, I did not notice this until today when I wanted to post some HTML message to my blog. I thought maybe my options are not set right, but then, well... Yahoo! thin...

The number that I am

I came across this site and i thought it was kinda funny. Here are my results for the " Whats your number ?" quiz You Are the Enthusiast 7 You are outgoing and playful - always seeing the happy side to life. You're enthusiastic and excitable. You love anything new. Multi-talented, you do many things well... and find success easy. You prefer to keep things light with others. Opening up is hard for you. What number are you? i am manulite

Converting PDF files to html (or text)

Have you ever wanted to convert your pdf documents to html? Have you then tried to google for a pdf converter and came up with a thousand sites where you download a trial of this or a trial of that? I did that before, and in one of my google results it managed to send me to what then seemed like the most obvious place one would try first; the Adobe site! They have an online tools section where you can convert your pdf files to text or html. Simply send an email with your pdf attachement to pdf2txt{AT} or to pdf2html{AT} Dont ask me why you'd want to convert, I did it for someone I knew and I did ask why. I am manulite

Another language, another blog

Seeing how i go on and on about being african i've sat down and did some thinking, I need a blog in shona, so what i'll do is start another one , this one purely in shona, and the thing is, i'll translate all the posts to this blog. you can check it out on . i am manulite.

Of Spam, blogs and google

A few days after starting this blog, someone sends me an email to my faithful yahoo and it goes hi manulite, i saw yo blog at blogspot, and i was wondering are you really from africa? did you grow up in a typical african village? do you think we could be friends? i'd like to learn more about african cultures... regards, xxx S o i quickly run to this site thinking damn, my email is displaying all over the place, the next thing i'll have thousands of the so much hated spam mail. not a single reference. i think again, i'm now using the beloved gmail , so if this person got my email ad, they'd have found my gmail address(if they could, i know some can do it somehow). getting worried i think how did whoeva this is get my email address? feeling kinda threatened, i reply hi xxx how did you get my email address? manulite I can be polite sometimes. so whoever on the other end quickly replies, of course trying to be nice as usual, they tell me a...

The 12 things of Christmas...

...that I've only read in books and watched on TV. 12. We definately did not have " The 12 days of Christmas "... and if you could kindly stop confusing me about whether it comes before or after. 11. The fireplace. When I was growing up, the "fireplace" was what you normally call your stove, and your grill, and your oven. The cooking was done on the fireplace, stuffed stockings had no business lying around our kitchenware! 10. The stuffed stockings. Those ones you would not dare stuff them with anything. Oversized, yes, but they were your only pair... for school, period. You'd see them in one color and one color only, grey, and you'd see them in one place and only one place, inside your only pair of school shoes. 9. Christmas cards. Ok maybe I saw one or two while i was growing up, but i could not get them out of the shop windows. 8. Christmas carols. They were all in english and the best we could do was to "listen along" while ...


Sometimes the Internet makes me feel strange. Strange because I sometimes think that it is amazing. Amazing in that 5 years ago I would have not imagined what it does for me. It sends my emails (an I actually get a reply), it sends them fast, so fast my grandma could not understand it when I tried to explain to her. Recently it has also debugged my Java application, umm, that was after it had taught me Java itself sometime back as well. So I feel strange, and amazed. It taught me web-design, the moment I saw that I could be good at it I stopped. It made me a few friends from countries so far away from me I cannot even afford a flight ticket. Then blogging... I have been around for a while, and I started hearing about blogs sometime back, but me being me, I had to wait until I felt like I'm naked if I dont keep a blog. I had to wait until it was cooler to keep a blog than to google for free beer and get free software instead. So now I'm finally here, and if you ask me i...